I am proud to announce my YA contemporary debut, ANGER IS A GIFT
The secret is finally out: Paste Magazine has the exclusive cover reveal, title reveal, publishing date, and an excerpt from Anger Is a Gift, my YA contemporary debut novel, which will be released on May 22, 2018 with Tor Teen.
And look at that beautiful, beautiful cover, designed by Adam Carvalho!
Cover designed by Adam Carvalho | https://www.instagram.com/adamscarvalho/
I am so proud to be working with Tor Teen and Miriam Weinberg, my editor, who introduced herself to me at World Con in 2013 by telling me we should ditch the con and go talk about anime in an empty pool. WE HAVE BEEN FAST FRIENDS SINCE THEN. I am also pleased that my agent, DongWon Song, sold TWO books to Miriam, so that second novel I've been talking about on Twitter will ALSO come out with Tor Teen some time in 2019. (Barring other circumstances, of course. I'm 60% done the manuscript already!)
This is obviously a huge day in my life, and I owe a great debt to the Mark Does Stuff community for supporting me up to this point. Everything's about to get weirder, and I can't wait to share it all with you.
There's a list of pre-order links here, but for the sake of ease:
Barnes & Noble
Google Play Books
Thank you, each of you, for what you've done for me. HERE WE GO.